Sport promotion website for Royal Dutch Cycling Union
Pumptracks are gaining popularity, as they provide an inclusive way for kids of all ages to enjoy a track using a bike, scooter, skateboard or inline skates. To promote this upcoming phenomenon, the KNWU a.k.a the Royal Dutch Cycling Union commissioned this website with me.
I developed the website together with Friendly Users, who helped with the UX & visual design. The site helps people to find pumptracks nearby and rate them. It also gives advice how to get a track in your own neighbourhood.

The homepage shows all tracks on a map and highlights top rated & new tracks.

Search results are sorted by distance or rating.

Search results can also be displayed on a map.

There is a dedicated section that helps people how to get a track in their neighbourhood.

The blog contains news messages about pumptracks and tips & tricks for its users and related events.